How Can We seek Unity

Listen: One of the most important ways to seek unity is to listen to others. Listen to their perspectives, experiences, and opinions. Try to understand where they are coming from and why they believe what they do. Find common ground: Look for areas where you and others can find common ground. This can be as simple as finding shared interests or goals. Celebrate diversity: Embrace and celebrate diversity. Recognize that everyone has something unique to offer and that our differences make us stronger.

What is Unity

What is unity? Unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. It is a sense of oneness that brings people together despite their differences. Unity is about finding common ground and working towards a shared goal. It is not about erasing differences, but rather embracing them and using them to create a stronger, more diverse community.

Seeking Unity

Seeking Unity: A Pathway Towards a Better Future In a world that is increasingly divided, seeking unity has become more important than ever. We live in a time where people are divided by race, religion, politics, and socioeconomic status. This division creates conflict, animosity, and a lack of understanding that can be detrimental to society as a whole. However, it doesn't have to be this way. Seeking unity can be a pathway towards a better future for all.

Expert says Australian geologist’s false climate change claims ‘designed to mislead and confuse’

Expert says Australian geologist’s false climate change claims 'designed to mislead and confuse'  Videos of a climate change denier falsely claiming that human-caused carbon emissions are not driving global warming have been viewed tens of thousands of times online. One climate expert told AFP that the arguments put forward by Australian geologist Ian Plimer during a gathering of political conservatives had been "designed to mislead". There is consensus among climate scientists that global warming is driven by human activity, and in particular the burning of fossil fuels especially since the...

Humanity has become ‘weapon of mass extinction’, UN head tells Cop15 launchHumanity has become a weapon of mass extinction and governments must end the “orgy of destruction”, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, has said at the beginning of the biodiversity Cop15. “We are out of harmony with nature. In fact, we are playing an entirely different song. Around the world, for hundreds of years, we have conducted a cacophony of chaos, played with instruments of destruction. Deforestation and desertification are creating wastelands of once-thriving ecosystems,” he said. “Our land, water and...

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How Can We seek Unity

Listen: One of the most important ways to seek unity is to listen to others. Listen to their perspectives, experiences, and opinions. Try to understand where they are coming from and why they believe what they do. Find common ground: Look for areas where you and...

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What is Unity

What is unity? Unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. It is a sense of oneness that brings people together despite their differences. Unity is about finding common ground and working towards a shared goal. It is not about erasing differences, but...

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Seeking Unity

Seeking Unity: A Pathway Towards a Better Future In a world that is increasingly divided, seeking unity has become more important than ever. We live in a time where people are divided by race, religion, politics, and socioeconomic status. This division creates...

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Humanity has become ‘weapon of mass extinction’, UN head tells Cop15 launchHumanity has become a weapon of mass extinction and governments must end the “orgy of destruction”, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, has said at the beginning of the biodiversity...

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